Club Support Grant 2024

  1. Eligibility
    a. this grant is eligible for all HEMA Ireland registered and paid-up clubs (during 2024 calendar year).
    b. The aim of the grant is to support HEMAI Clubs with their primary education activities, e.g., HEMA training courses available for broad audience with no additional/specific requirements.
  2. Funding
    a. HEMAI will provide one (1) grant per year up to the total amount of
    €500 to one (1) club.
    b. Funds will be provided before the end of the year (Q4 2024) to the winning submission by bank transfer.
  3. Requirements
    a. Submissions needs to be sent by email to secretary@hemaireland before or on 30th of Sept 2024.
    b. Submissions need to provide the following:
    I. Detailed plan of the HEMA course(s) organized in 2024 which needs to last at least 4 weeks (1 month) cycle.
    II. Proof that a course is open to general audience and is/was advertised on local media (include copy thereof).
    III. Invoice(s) for the rent of the sports hall used for the purpose of
    educational HEMA courses, up to the total amount of €500.
  4. HEMA Ireland Committee will review all entries and announce the winning submission in Oct 2024 via social media pages and on HEMA Ireland website with payment following shortly after that.
  5. Any questions/issues please contact HEMA Ireland via secretary@hemaireland.